WishBeen User Guide

Getting Started with WishBeen

Welcome to WishBeen.
Please take a few minutes on this video guide to understand our service.
*Key terminology and concepts
In WishBeen there are a few unique terms and concepts:
Plan: the core of WishBeen. Plans are created using our signature planning platform.
Spot: An attraction, hotel, restaurant, or any location the user have traveled to.
Wish: Places you wish to go.
Been: Places you have been to.
Wish Board: A board containing all of your "Wish" and "Been" spots.
WishBeen currently supports the following web browsers:
Chrome, Firefox, safari, Internet Explorer 9,10.
Spot - Search Spot
In order to build up your plan, you can start off by searching for spots to visit.
Say you are interested in traveling to Rome but don't really know much about the place. In that case, simply type ‘Rome’ in the search box and WishBeen will present you with numerous travel spots.
You can use diverse filters such as Food, Sights, etc. to narrow down your search.
You can also search the name of a certain spot and get detailed information.
Searching in Categories
Filtering Results in order of Popularity or Recency
You can filter the results of your search to view either the most popular spots or the latest spots.
Viewing the Map
Here you have the Map View of the search results, which pinpoints the exact locations of the spots.
Click on a spot for detailed information and to mark "Wish" or "Been."
Searching the neighborhood
From the current map view, you can click on the "search this area" button in order to view spots around the place.
Viewing more spots on the map
You can initially view 30 spots on the map. If you wish to view more spots at a time, you can scroll down the spot list on the left, and additional spots will appear on the map.
Street view
While viewing the map, you can also change your viewpoint into a birds-eye or a street view and have a virtual tour of your choice.
Spot- "Wish" and "Been" Marking
When you put your cursor over the spot images, two buttons will be displayed.
The "Wish" button is for marking spots that you wish to visit some day.
The "Been" button is for marking locations that you previously traveled to. By using Wish and Been, plan a new trip or organize your past travel experiences.
Spot - The "Wishboard"
Click on the "WishBoard" tab on the left in order to access all of the locations that you previously marked "Wish" or "Been." The spots are automatically sorted into countries.
You can check these on your My Page as well.
Convenient when planning
While planning, you can simply click on the WishBoard tab and use the spots you have marked "Wish" and "Been." So marking as much "Wish" and "Been" as possible makes it easier to collect spots you want to put into your plan.
Sorted into countries
To access a specific country's "Wish" or "Been" locations, select the country in the dropdown menu.
You can also sort the results by Wish or Been.
View it on the Map
The spots marked as "Wish" or "Been" are also shown on the map.
View it on My Page
Check your Wish Board in My Page to review the saved spots.
There are specific Wish Boards for each country.
Planning - Plan a trip
To begin creating a plan, click on "Plan a trip" button on the main page after you log in.
The next pop-up screen will guide you to fill in the title of the plan, date, and duration of the trip.
All of the choices you make on this screen can be edited afterwards.
Click on "Create New Plan" in order to get started!
Write an Introduction
Write an introduction about the plan you are about to create. The following image is an example of an introduction with a cover photo added.
Planning - Drag & Drop
On our signature planning platform, all you have to do is use the drag and drop motion to fill your timeline with spots.
Modify duration of each spot
After dropping the spots into place, you can modify how long you would like to spend at each spot (or how long you have spent) by dragging the timeline box down or up.
Sorting the search results by distance
If you click on the downward area of the spot inside the timeline, the search results on the left will autom atically arrange themselves in order of the closest. You can also choose among the diverse categories of search results.
Planning - Addings new "Spots"
Sometimes the spot you need in your plan may not exist in our database.
But no need to worry, founding a spot is easy and simple. There are just two things you need to keep in mind when adding new spots. First, do a thorough search on our service to make sure the spot you are about to add does not already exist. Second, be sure to fill in basic information of the spot - phone number, opening time, etc., - for other users in the future.
Registering a new travel spot
WishBeen's map is connected to Google Map, so the name it suggests is from the Google database.
If our map offers you a suggestion and if it is correct, you can proceed with the registration.
Spot name and location
After confirming the name and address of the spot, you can select the category and finish registering.
If the location on the map is a little off, you can move the marker around to pinpoint the exact locale.
Add a new place on your own
If the place you are looking for does not appear on our map, click "Continue adding a new place" at the bottom to add a new place on your own.
Planning - Spot Founder
When you create a new spot, you will automatically be its "Founder". Even if the spot information is updated or changed by other users, you will still remain as its founder. Founding a lot of spots in WishBeen will expose you to other users and mark you as someone willing to actively share information in the WishBeen community.
Planning - Input Details
Once a spot is added into the planner, you can insert detailed information by clicking on the spot box.
Memo and budget are our main functions. Budget information is automatically calculated into different currencies and arranged into three categories (entire, daily, spot) to make reviewing easier.
Planning - Transit
You can easily search for and add transportation information at WishBeen. If you click on "Transit" on the right section of the map, WishBeen automatically searches for transit options between the two spots.
Make the optimal choice by checking the routes on the map and add it to your schedule.
Standards for Transit Information
1. Transit information is given only between two spots.
2. It provides information within two months (60days) from the current date.
3. Transit information in certain areas can be limited depending on the data provider's circumstances.
4. Walking information may not be provided if the distance is below 30 meters.
Planning - Adding Private Spots
Sometimes you may want to add a spot that is only going to be used in your personal plan; for example, your Grandma's House. In that case you can use the "My Spot" function. When you click on an unoccupied location on the timeline, "My Transit & My Spot" will pop up. Click on My Spot and fill out basic information about your personal spot.
Planning - My Transit
This function can be used when you need alternative transit options other than the ones WishBeen provide. You can fill out the form of transportation (Airplane, Train, Taxi, etc.), departure and arrival points, memo, and budget information.
Planning - Travel map
The route of each day's schedule is presented on the map.
Planning - Overview
You can see the overview of your plan day by day.
Planning - Budget
You can also see a budget graph reviewing your expenses in different categories, marked in different colors.
Planning - Checklist
Besides budgets, you can also make a list of items you must bring to your trip.
WishBeen provides you a default checklist of items that travelers in general consider essential.
You can also make a checklist of your own and go it through before you leave so that you don't experience any inconveniences while traveling.
Planning - WishBeen Travel Map
Our interactive map will continuously update its contents according to the changes you make while planning. Furthermore, you can embed this map on your website by simply copy & pasting the map's HTML code.
1. Click “Share” button in plan page.
2. Choose an embedding method that suits the website you wish to embed the plan on.
iFrame : iFrame method is suitable for embedding in your website, Google blog or other blogging services. iFrame method provides the same functionality as the WishBeen website. “Basic” option lets you to embed only the calendar, and “Detailed” option allows you to choose additional items such as overview, introduction, travel map, budget, checklist, etc.
* Basic: Shows calendar as shown in the WishBeen website.
* Detailed: Shows plan with focus on spots’ photos and travel notes.
HTML : HTML method is suitable for websites where iFrame is not supported. HTML method provides simple embedding features such as static travel map and spot information, in a format similar to blogs. If your plan is too long, you may not be able to show the entire plan in one post, due to character limits of the blog. In such case, choose date range in “Option” to split your plan into two or three posts.
* You can also share your plan via e-mail by using HTML method.
3. Click “Preview” to check how the embedded plan will look like.
4. Click “Copy” to copy (Cril + c) the code in the box.
5. Paste (Ctrl + V) the copied code into the HTML editor of your website or blog.
Planning - Customize
If you find a plan you like on WishBeen, click on the "customize" button on the upper right-hand side.
You can use the original plan as the basis and edit it to make it into your own plan. You don't have to start from scratch if you use this function. You simply have to add or delete spots from the plan and customize it to your taste.
Customize Tag
The name of the original planner and its title will be shown on a customized plan.
Planning - Print
Click on the "Print" button on the upper right-hand side in order to print your plan in a guidebook format.
Save as PDF
You can download your plan in a PDF format and view it on your mobile phone.
* How to save as PDF on Chrome: Print -> Download As PDF -> Target Change -> Save as PDF -> Save
Modifying on Print Mode
You can modify the location of the spots before printing the plan. Click on the "edit" button of the map in order to alter the spot location and click on "submit" after you are finished.
Planning - Publish
If you are ready to share your plan with other travelers, simply click on the "Publish" button. Your plan will then show up in the "plan" search results and other travelers will be able to view and customize your plan.
You will get active feedback from other users if you publish your plan - suggestions and comments about your plan before, during, and after the trip.

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